Ack! We sincerely apologize for any and all errors and/or inconsistencies in our patterns and attempt to correct them ASAP. Even with multiple test knitters and our two skilled and thorough tech editors looking at each and every pattern, these wily little buggers still seem to somehow slip through! If you believe you've found an error in one of our patterns and you don't see it listed here, please contact us.
If you've found a new, confirmed issue that affects the final outcome of the pattern and you are the first to report it, we will send you a corrected copy of the pattern AND a pdf copy of another pattern of your choice as a thank-you.
If you do see your errata listed below, you will notice that we have also provided correction pages that you can download and print out to replace the section in your pattern that has the error.
We know what a hassle errata can be, and we appreciate your patience. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you are having a problem with one of our patterns, and thanks for your understanding!
You can find your pattern version code in the "pattern info" section at the end of the pattern text. Look at the numbers after the "v" to determine the pattern's version (for example, LCH-v0608-2 corresponds to "v0608-2" below, LCH-v0608 is "v0608", etc.).
Ballerina Slippers, Birch, Cable That Bag!, Feather Lace Shawl, Frequency, Hood River Top-Down Mitts, Little Cable Hoodie, Mix-and-Match Rib Toe-Up Socks, Nautilus Socks, Snowdrop Lace Scarf, Star Mesh Scarf, Trident Lace Socks, Wavelet Socks, Winter Branches, Other Patterns
gardiner yarn works pattern errata
ballerina slippers
While not technically an error, I've tried to improve the clarity of the instructions for attached i-cord. If you're having trouble, try the following or check out this wonderful video (and let me know if it STILL doesn't make sense!).
If attaching I-cord to live sts:
With RS facing and using an empty dpn in your right hand, *k2, SSK working 3rd I-cord st together with a live st from left ndl. Without turning, slip 3 sts from dpn to left ndl. Pull yarn tightly across back and rep from * until all live sts are used. Cont attaching I-cord to edge without live sts as follows or, if I-cord edging is complete, BO all sts.
If attaching I-cord to edge without live sts:
With RS facing and using two dpns, CO 3 sts on one dpn. Without turning, pull yarn tightly across back, slide sts to other end of dpn and with second dpn, *k2, sl1, pu 1 st along edge where I-cord is being attached, slip 2 sts including picked-up st back to left ndl and k2tog-tbl; rep from * until edge is covered.
In v0110, the abbreviation for "pu" should read: "pick up and knit on RS, pick up and purl on WS".
cable that bag!
In v0108 and v0608, the instructions for C6F should read: "sl3 to cn and hold in front, k3, k3 from cn".
Download the correction.
feather lace shawl
In v0108 only, the Shawl instructions for Rows 11 & 13 should read as follows:
Row 11: K2 || work Feather Lace Pat Row 3 to marker || k1 || work Feather Lace Pat Row 3 to marker || k2.
Row 13: K2 || work next RS row of Feather Lace Pat to marker || k1 || work same RS row of Feather Lace Pat to marker || k2.
Download the correction.
In v0608, the pattern instructions for Row 7 (on p.3) should read as follows:
Row 7: K2 || YO, *k1, YO, k1, SK2P, k1, YO; rep from * to last st before marker, k1, YO || k1 || YO, *k1, YO, k1, SK2P, k1, YO; rep from * to last st before marker, k1, YO || k2. The chart is correct. Additionally, in the description for adding repeats that is below the chart, the fourth sentence should read "When working Row 1 the third time, sts 16-21 will be repeated 9x before working sts 22-47, and then sts 48-53 will be repeated 9x (instead of 5x) before working sts 54-67."
Download the corrections.
In v0608, the instructions for C7B should read "sl4 to cn, k3, sl1 from left end of cn to left-hand ndl, p1, k3 from cn".
Download the correction.
hood river top-down mitts
In v0110, the instructions for starting the thumb gusset should be clarified as follows:
Rnd 1: CO 16 thumb sts onto tip of right ndl (after beg of rnd marker) using Backwards Loop CO (see add’l techniques), pm, *k3, p1; rep from * to end of rnd. 60 sts. Divide 16 thumb sts evenly between first and last ndls.
Rnd 2: [K3, p1] 4x || *k3, p1; rep from * to end of rnd.
Download the correction.
little cable hoodie
In v0608, instructions for sleeve Rnds 8-16 (on p.3) should read as follows:
Rnds 8-9: K6 (8, 8, 10, 10, 10), [p2, k2] 3x, p2, k8 (10, 10, 12, 12, 12).
Rnd 10: K1, m1, k5 (7, 7, 9, 9, 9), [p2, T2B] 3x, p2, k7 (9, 9, 11, 11, 11), m1, k1. 30 (34, 34, 38, 38, 38) sts.
Rnds 11-13: K7 (9, 9, 11, 11, 11), [p2, k2] 3x, p2, k9 (11, 11, 13, 13, 13).
Rnd 14: K1, m1, k6 (8, 8, 10, 10, 10), [p2, T2B] 3x, p2, k8 (10, 10, 12, 12, 12), m1, k1. 32 (36, 36, 40, 40, 40) sts.
Rnd 15: K8 (10, 10, 12, 12, 12), [p2, k2] 3x, p2, k10 (12, 12, 14, 14, 14).
Rnd 16: K12 (14, 14, 16, 16, 16), pm, p2, k2, p2, pm, k14 (16, 16, 18, 18, 18).
In v0608, v0608-1, v0608-2 and v0608-3, instructions for the Next Round at the very end of the sleeve (top of p.3) should read as follows:
Work as for Rnd 19 to last 3 (4, 4, 5, 5, 6) sts removing markers. Place next 4 (6, 6, 8, 8, 10) sts on WY for underarm, including the 1 (2, 2, 3, 3, 4) sts on the other side of the beg of rnd marker.
In v0608 & v0608-1, instructions for 3-Ndl BO on p.5 should read as follows:
This technique is used to join two sets of live sts together. Place one set of sts on one ndl and the other set of sts on another ndl with ndl tips pointing the same way. With WS facing out, use a third ndl to knit together a st from the front ndl and a st from the back ndl...
Download the corrections.
mix-and-match rib toe-up socks
In v0108 and earlier, the instructions at the end of "Shape Top of Heel" on p. 3 should read "With RS facing, work across Ndl 2 in pat Rnd 1 for heel", not "for instep".
Download the correction.
nautilus socks
In NS-v0109, the instructions for C7B was truncated in the key on p4. The following text should be added after sl1 from left end of cn: to left-hand ndl, p1, k3 from cn.
Download the correction.
snowdrop lace scarf
In v0108, the setup instructions in the note indicate that markers should be placed every 11 sts. They should be placed every 8 sts to the last 6 sts, then pm after 3 sts to mark the last 3 sts of the pattern and the garter stitch border. Also, the chart on p3 should indicate that the pattern repeat is worked over sts 1-8.
Download the corrections.
star mesh scarf
In v0908, in row 3 of the written instructions for the star mesh patterns, SK2P should instead read S2KP.
Download the correction.
trident lace socks
In v0908, the instructions for the ribbing pictured at the top of the sock were omitted. While the pattern will work just fine as-is (you'll just end up with a sock without a separate ribbed cuff), if you'd like the ribbing at the top as shown in the photo, work the following round 10 times before starting the lace pattern: *K2, p2, k2, p1, k2, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.
Download the correction.
wavelet socks
In v0108, the instructions for C3F should read: "sl2 to cn and hold in front, k1, k2 from cn".
Download the corrections.
In v0608, the stitch pattern instructions for Rnds 13 and Rnds 27 should refer to "C2F" and "C2B" instead of "T2F" and "T2B".
Download the corrections.
winter branches
In v0108 and v0608 for both regular and plus versions, Row 4 under Shape Right Front should read: "K1, SSK, work to end as estab". In the instructions for the saddle strap for regular versions, you should work the first and last TWO stitches in st st instead of just the first and last st. To clarify further, the size US5 (smaller) circular needle should be used for the neckband.
In v0108 and v0608 for plus version, sleeve cap shaping is incorrect. Decreases in Shape Sleeve Cap section on p.4 should read as follows:
9 (9, 9, 10, 10) RS rows as follows - K1, SSK, work as estab to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 57 (57, 59, 59, 61) sts. Work even in pat as estab for 3 (3.5, 4, 4.5,4.5)”. Dec 1 st at beg and end of next 9 (9, 10,10, 11) RS rows. 39 sts.
Download the corrections for regular size.
Download the corrections for plus size.
errata for my other patterns
cabled baglet from 101 designer one-skein wonders
The stitch instructions for the Celtic Braid are incorrect. Errata can be found here
tilting cable socks from interweave knits, fall '07
Errata for the start of the ribbing:
Rnds 1 & 2: Needles 1 & 3: K2, p4, k4, p8, k2; Needles 2 & 4: K2, p8, k4, p4, k2. Rnd 3: Needles 1 & 3: K2, p4, k4, p8, k2; Needle 2: K2, p8, k4, p4, k2; Needle 4: K2, p8, k4, p4 (end 2 sts before end of rnd). Rnd 4 is correct.